Past goals

Twenty-three things to achieve by the time I turn 24
  1. Unplug & turnoff for 24hours once a month - 9/12 months completed
  2. Pick my own berries & make them into jam - 8 jars of raspberry, 8 jars of strawberry, and 16 jars of blackberry
  3. Go camping 5 times -  3/5 completed
  4. Make a new friend - I didn't make just one new friend, I met so many wonderful and loving people from the crafting world through Instagram. On top of that, I got closer to my 3 greatest friends!
  5. Lose (at least) 50lbs through a healthy diet and weekly exercise - 10/50 lbs lost
  6. Create something once a week - 49/51 weeks completed
  7. Get on Dean's list every quarter
  8. Get into grad school or get a job utilizing my degrees - A current work in progress because I can't control all things
  9. Go on a long walk or jog with Worf (my pup) once a week - 43/51 weeks completed
  10. Start a new holiday tradition & cook a full meal - Thanksgiving cooking with the tradition of enjoying crock pot hot cider while watching the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade. Bonus tradition: cutting down our own Christmas tree and decorating the day after Thanksgiving.
  11. Finish reading through the entire bible - continued work in progress
    • 7/24/15 40% complete 
  12. Find a home church to attend
  13. Travel somewhere I have never been - Crater Lake 8/31/14
  14. Say something positive everyday - I only missed 3 days so I'm counting this as a success. I enjoy being able to look back through my planner and instead of just remembering how much I had to do (or not remembering anything at all), I have all these happy things to look back on.
  15. Learn to accept the things I can't change, and strength to change the things I can - There's always room to grow but I really believe I showed myself that I did this
  16. Photo a day - I probably took a photo every day but as for following the prompts or even posting them, it was a complete fail
  17. Transfer all pictures and music onto an external hard drive - I organized all my photos and transferred them into drop box but this one was considered a fail
  18. Donate 5 times - 4/5 donations completed
  19. Finish an entire puzzle book - Forever a work in progress
  20. Write a letter to myself to read when I turn 30 - Fail
  21. Get Tattoos touched up and/or redone - Considered a work in progress because I have met with a tattoo artist and discussed what needs to happen. I would like to get them done by September of next year but it all comes down to money.
  22. Be seen on tv - WWE RAW 8/11/14
  23. Read 10 books for pleasure
    • The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis
    • The Horse and His Boy by CS Lewis
    • Trekker omnibus
    • Walking Dead Compendiums 1 & 2 
    • Prince Caspian by CS Lewis
    • Voyage of the Dawn Treader by CS Lewis
    • A Game of Thrones by George RR Martin
    • The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien
    • Bossypants (audiobook) by Tina Fey
    • Silver Chair by CS Lewis
    • Clash of Kings by George RR Martin

Final score: 68% D+
Notes for better success: Clear planning ahead, set goals that I can control whether I am successful, and have clear short term goals and planning on how those bigger goals can be accomplished 

Twenty-two goals to reach for before I turn Twenty-three

  1. Read through the entire bible - Still a work in progress
  2. Watch the sunset at the beach
  3. Graduate with both degrees - Heck freakin' yeah! I now have not 1 but 2 bachelor degrees.
  4. Take a big step in my relationship with J - Check! Though we were living together before, we moved into a new apartment and, a few months later, adopted a dog.
  5. Do something to make myself proud
  6. Jog/ run 3 miles without stopping - Sadly, no. I did do 3 5ks this last year but I still don't feel I quite met this goal.
  7. Develop and follow a weekly workout plan - EEeeek! Definitely no where close. I have tried but there's always one reason or another I stop 1-2weeks in.
  8. Read 5 books just for fun - 3 out of 5 isn't too bad! I read S, The Magician's Nephew, and Wicked. Side note: I did read a lot more than those 3 books since I was taking 18 credits fall semester and 19 credits in the spring.
  9. Journal regularly - Instead of forcing myself to write a page every night, I decided that I'm satisfied with keeping my past planners. Looking back at my previous planners, I get a picture at what was important to me, how I was feeling (stressed, bored, relaxed, etc), and what I was striving for. I did upgrade to a larger moleskin planner this year with more room for doodling, keeping notes, and journaling as I feel the need.
  10. Learn to take a quick (less than 5 minutes) shower - Check! Ha, but J can vouch that I don't do this very often. I just wanted to figure out how to do it in times that I'm in a hurry.
  11. Learn Yoga - Checkish. I certainly learned how but actually doing it on a regular basis as I had hoped hasn't quite happened yet.
  12. Finish all the crafty things I have started - So close! I finally got jars for my sand from my travels and sewn up a few things but I continue to have a wine cork board partially finished, cross stitch patterns drawn up but not started, and crocheted scarves half done.
  13. Improve hygiene overall (brush teeth, wash face, etc.) - Check! Its embarrassing that at 22 I needed to put this on a list but I struggled with keeping to a daily hygiene routine (though I did use my water pik religiously).
  14. Purge the apartment - Check, though when it came time to move, I didn't have much of a choice. It felt good to finally get rid of a few things from my past and make room for the future.
  15. Go star gazing - Surprisingly no. Plans are in the making though for this to happen in the next few weeks.
  16. Have coffee with my mom - Check! You see, my family moved just before my birthday last year and on our road trip to their new home, every morning my mom and I would have coffee together to update our blogs. It is one of my favorite parts of the trip and I wanted to be sure to have coffee with her when I visited for Christmas.
  17. Spend an entire day on myself - Check! At the time, I thought I would be busy everyday, all the time. Now I just have to laugh because I have had almost too much time to myself with school being out. It's a good reminder, though, to make time for myself with life starts to pick up again.
  18. Unplug for 48 hours - Check! For our anniversary, J and I stayed the weekend at the beach and just relaxed. The only electronics we used were our phones for occasional navigating and our kindles for reading. It was so wonderful!
  19. Volunteer & donate more - Check! J and I spent the day with Habitat for Humanity back in November and I donated blood 3 times (as often as I could, since there's a limit to how often you can donate).
  20. Ride my bike to school 25% of the time - Check!
  21. Get closer to my goal weight - Eeehhh.. lets just say no but I do feel better about the weight that I am so that's something, right? 
  22. Speak positively about self and others - Check! Though I do occasionally fall into gossip or a self-loathing funk, I feel much better about how I talk about myself and others

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